Nantene: I would like to discuss primal instinct, and that is the instinct that your oldest, most ancient ancestors had to help them survive, which was to either fight or run; the old fight or flight response that you hear discussed so often.
At that time there was ample reason for the presence of the fight or flight response; but over the course of time, humans have evolved to the point where it is most often no longer necessary.
However, remnants of that response still do exist and it is indeed on occasion called for, but there are higher response options available now: reason, intuition, alternative action, team-work. So the problem becomes how to redirect the remnants of the fight or flight response, because it may be triggered when it is not needed.
One way to do this is to be grounded in your soul awareness. So that when something happens which might trigger the response to flee or attack, instead you respond at the soul level, which never feels the need to flee or attack. So this, for example, can help you avoid actions like hiding out, or procrastinating, or criticizing, or gossiping, for those are all mis-directed applications of the remnants of fight or flight.
There is no need to spend much time trying to figure out the layers of how all those influences battle in your mind for attention. All that is necessary is simply to be in your soul awareness. To do that you must frequently remind yourself to seek that awareness, to see from that awareness, to experience from that awareness. So in any situation, you can ask, “How does my soul see this? How does my soul experience this? What does my soul want right now?”
The more often you do that, the more you shift your default setting, so to speak. You set your default to the soul. Set your default to the soul. It is perhaps one of the most simple actions you can take to shift circumstances very rapidly and dramatically, but the challenge is to maintain and expand that default – the soul awareness.
So you keep practicing. Every day. Every day. Every day. In easy situations, and then in more challenging situations.
In fact, let us reframe even further. In reality, your soul is the default. You have simply switched over time to the default of the illusion, which is the human default, conscious default. So in a sense when you switch to the soul default you are returning to factory settings.
Just like when your laptop gets full of crap, you reset to the factory settings and everything is fine again.
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