Malachor: Love is, and that is all there is. And gratitude is the awareness that love is. Abundance is the manifestation of the awareness that love is. And prosperity is the continued flow of awareness that love is.
Sometimes human beings make it a little more complicated that it needs to be. And it is with the best of intentions. But everything stems from the fact that love is. Love is! I am! I am love! I am! Love is!
Love is in the air that you fill your lungs with when you inhale. Are you being generous to yourself with that breath?
Love is in the freedom you give to others to make their own discoveries and grow in their own way. That is generosity.
Love is in the ease with which you allow yourself to relax into sleep, knowing that the day has been perfect exactly as it was. Tomorrow will be just as perfect. That is abundance, and that is being generous to yourself in sleep.
So if you look, love is everywhere. Gratitude can be experienced for all things. Abundance is continual. And prosperity is at the tips of your fingers. Generosity is the allowing of all of that.
You are generous when you allow the Universe to work as it does.
You are generous when you release the illusion that there could be lack.
You are generous when you allow your soul awareness to fully come through.
So we see there are infinite ways of experiencing love and gratitude, and abundance, and prosperity, and generosity.
So the gesture of a tithe, for example, can pale in comparison to the simple allowing of all of that to be. In your life. In your experience. In your expression.
Do not regret for a moment any choice you have made in your life, for that is an attempt to impose lack.
Be generous with yourself, and know, whether or not you would make the same choice again, you made the choice you made at the time you made it as best you could. It is now done. That is generosity.
And that generosity completes a process of release. And that release creates new opportunity for new experiences of abundance.
Do not worry about making the wrong choice tomorrow, for again that would be an attempt to impose lack. Be generous with yourself.
So not to worry about the choices you have made in the past or regret the choices you have made in the past. And not to worry about the choices you will make in the future. That is generosity, and that is an abundance of presence; abundance resting in the present moment. Ripeness, filled with both completeness and potential all in the same space. For you are as an apple ready to pick, and the tree ready to bear the fruit, all in one.
Be who you are. That is generosity. And let there be an abundance of you. And if you feel scared, simply know that that is part of the sweet pain of human experience, of the human considering the fullness of Spirit that it could bring through.
You will get there. You are there. You have been there.
So in a way generosity is a fullness and a feeling, as is abundance, as is love, for this all started with love.
Love is!
Love is!
I am!
I am love!
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