When the choice for love is made, amazing things do happen, time and time again.
Nantene: Greetings! I am Nantene and I am here.
Louise: Hello Nantene!
Nantene: We are happy to be with you. For we are, as you are, pure love. Love recognizes love, and love wants to be with love. And since love is who and what you are, you wish to be loving, and you wish to experience more love. As do all your fellow human beings, no matter what surface behaviour you see, no matter what words you hear, no matter what thoughts others may be thinking.
All human beings wish to experience and express more love; it is simply part of who you are; part of what you are here to do. When this happens it is the most powerful force you know, and it is immediately recognizable. Others know it and feel it instantly, and they respond to it.
It is only when this awareness, this energy, this pure love, becomes hidden by illusions of separation, and ultimately of lack – or the threat of lack – that human beings begin to move away from experiencing and expressing more love. It is only when these illusions are present and become dominant that fear arises, and fear perpetuates the illusion of separation. Fear perpetuates the illusion of lack of love; that love might not exist in this situation, or at all.
Behind love, fear is perhaps the second most powerful feeling, which you might think is unfortunate. I certainly wouldn’t blame you. However, considering that fear is only an illusion that love is not present, the power of fear is not surprising at all. If it weren’t as powerful, that might mean that love was also not as powerful, and we know that not to be true.
So what do you give permission to? Do you give permission to love or to fear to come through and call the shots?
Love seems the obvious choice, yet so often human beings choose fear without even realizing it.
Fear can be pervasive, and subtle, and crafty. And now we are talking about the human mental construction, where one’s conscious sense of self is involved, which some refer to as the ego. And the conscious sense of self tends to preserve, as best as possible, the conscious sense of self. And that often means working in partnership with fear instead of with love, because it does often feel separate, or threatened, or unsafe, or ambivalent, or confused, or frustrated, or angry.
So it does take – especially at first – great courage to choose love, and faith, and persistence. But when the choice for love is made, amazing things do happen, time and time again.
So it is important to look for those results made when choosing love, and remember them, and use them as motivation to make the same choices for love – again, and again, and again. We would like to suggest that if more humans choose love on a regular basis, even more humans will choose love on a regular basis. And most of you can barely conceive of what that would look like!
Yet, we tell you it would look beautiful beyond imagining. Many, if not all, of your problems – apparent problems – would disappear, because you would solve them all, together. You would lift each other up as never before.
Fear would continue to exist – it is an important part of the process of being human and loving – but it would be managed so differently, and put in its proper perspective. So we suggest that you find the courage to choose love, over and over again, and allow others to see your choice and to serve as an example to help them make the same choice. That is a movement.
Do you have questions for Nantene?
Louise: I do! So what would be an example of a “choose love” movement starter? So, if we were to be models of choosing love in any and all situations, what would we do? Give me an example. How could I do that today?
Nantene: How about if you give me an example.
Louise: Well, something that I just read on the news before this session. There’s a “caravan” of migrants going across Mexico and there’s a lot of upset about that. People don’t want them to cross the border into America, but other people are compassionate and sympathetic and want them to come here. So how would one choose love in a big situation like that?
Nantene: Are you asking how you could choose love?
Louise: Uh, I wasn’t. I’ll ask how I can choose love then.
Nantene: Great! So tell me.
Louise: [Louise laughs] Well, I don’t know what I could do about that.
Nantene: What does love tell you?
Louise: To speak up for them.
Nantene: Certainly! That would be choosing love. Every human being has a range of possibilities available to him or her. Some of them are close to home. Some of them range further from one’s personal sphere of influence. So each person gets to choose what they will speak up about, how they will speak, and to whom, based on what the feel in their heart.
Malachor: Greetings! I am Malachor. I am here and I wish to speak.
All your life, and for all of your human lives, you have endeavoured to do one thing: to express and explore as fully as possible how your unique human-ness brings you back to Source; how being human is the grandest form of expression of Spirit you could possibly choose. That is the name of the game.
As a concept, it is perhaps easy enough to intellectually appreciate, but as a practice, it is a lifetime’s work – and a lifetime, and a lifetime, and a lifetime. It is ongoing. For it is Spirit, unfolding. It is the Source, expressing. It is truth, revealing. It is genius, creating. It is love, encompassing. It is compassion, embracing. Over and over and over and over again.
Therefore, in any of your given human lives, it is most important to embrace fully all that comes with being human, making the best choices you can, and – as Nantene said earlier – choosing love again, and again, and again. This means that when fear arises you see it, you accept it, you feel it, and you choose love anyway.
That is the boldest, most courageous act any human being could make. Ever.
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