Malachor: Ah, greetings! I am Malachor. I am here and I wish to speak briefly for today about fear and release and forward motion.
Forward motion does not always feel comfortable or familiar. In fact, it sometimes feels very unfamiliar. But fundamentally you are safe. You are safe in this world, you are safe in your heart, you are safe in your spirit, and you are safe in the All-ness of spirit itself.
I am safe in spirit. Try saying that.
Louise: I am safe in spirit.
Malachor: Now say it softly, as if it just bubbles up to the surface.
Louise: I am safe in spirit.
Malachor: How does that feel?
Louise: Good!
Malachor: Say it again.
Louise: I am safe in spirit.
Malachor: Does that feel true?
Louise: When I say it like that it feels true.
Malachor: Does it feel true?
Louise: It does feel true. Yes!
Malachor: Good! That is all you need to know.
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